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Use Multiple Telegram Accounts Have you ever needed to change your phone number but worried about transferring all your contacts and other information to the new number? While this can be a lot of work, Telegram does it all for you. You can easily change the phone number attached to your account without losing any of your chats or contacts. Custom Theme Your Telegram 2b App Passcode Options

You can surely delete messages that you have sent, but did you know that Telegram has brought a new feature that lets you delete messages sent by other users too. That’s kind of weird, but this feature is for users who prioritize privacy over everything. To use this feature, just select the received message and tap on the “delete” button. Now, select “Also delete for X” and tap on “Delete”. The message will disappear from both ends without leaving any trace. To enable this go to Settings and choose “Privacy and Security” from the list. Next, tap on “Passcode Lock” under the Security heading, then set your password lock on! Utilize Telegram Bots The company has redesigned the reaction panel, making it expandable. The app will also show reactions that a user frequently uses at the top. Premium Telegram Premium users can pick reactions from an infinite selection of custom emoji. Users can attach up to 3 reactions per message. These changes to reactions are currently available in groups and 1-on-1 chats. Group admins can control whether custom reactions may be used in their groups.

Display large emojis Telegram Premium includes new tools to organize your chat list – like changing your default chat folder so the app always opens on a custom folder or, say, Unread instead of All Chats.

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